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UEA News: Help Rebrand The University Of East Anglian Silly Walks!

London and Norwich, 26 Nov 2010 (MNN) – In an effort to reposition itself after the Climategate debacle, the University of East Anglian Silly Walks (aka UEA) is launching today an international competition aimed at exposing its true nature in a new spirit of transparency.

However, due to budgetary concerns and in order to lower CO2 emissions, the acronym will have to remain the same. This means the additional challenge for all budding brand experts is to come up with a more meaningful long-form for “UEA”.

Among the proposals received so far:

  • University of Eventful Archives
  • University of Expanded Animosity
  • University of Excised Adjustments
  • University of Extreme Airs
  • University of Enough Amusement
  • University of Effectively-measured-data–changing Attempts
  • University of Expert Attacks
  • University of Erased Authority
  • University of Expanded Alterations
  • University of Easy Annoyance

ps Sadly, all FOI requests to UEA for details about the above will never be fulfilled, as there was a North Korean student once at the University and any openness would be contrary to Juche.

  1. Fay Tuncay
    2010/11/27 at 16:19

    Unreal Endless Adjustments. Let’s touch climate reality with Joe.


  2. 2010/11/27 at 07:23

    University of Exclusionary Amateurs

  3. 2010/11/26 at 22:53

    It seems to me the UEA thinks FOI stands for:

    Frakk Over Inquirers *wink*

  4. PaulM
    2010/11/26 at 15:33

    University of Email Accidents

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